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Allows to make documents publicly available. These include wireframe elements: Your friends will be happy to read this This functionality allows to create some high level and complex mechanical surfaces.Īllows to edit the object inputs and parameters.Ĭreating a Shell Sew Surface Creating a Thick Surface Close Surface Creating Extruded Surfaces Revolve See Managing Ordered Geometrical Sets. Note that most of the edit commands available here are common facilities offered with the Infrastructure.Īn assistant helps create and modify wireframe elements in a 2D environment. Geometrical Set, Ordered Geometrical Set or other entity. Comments Very useful and simple example…. The following workbenches are the commonly used: Part Design: Design parts using a solid modeling approach Sketcher: Create 2D profiles with associated constraints, which is then used to create other 3D. Creating a Diabolo Hole Under-constrained designs are allowed and over-constrained designs can also be created.Ĭreating Fill Surfaces Multi-sections Surface Styling a Fillet Face-Face Fillet The various menus and menu commands that are specific to Generative Shape Design are described below. CATIA V5R16 Fundamentals The Workbench Concept Each workbench contains a set of tools that is dedicated to perform a specific task. Shap recommend you to use a book or YouTube tutorials to learn what can do this module. INTEGRATING VOICE AND DATA NETWORKS BY SCOTT KEAGY PDFĬreating Cylindrical Surfaces Offset It can reuse a surface geometry linked to an existing cafia providing master model design methodologies.
Creating Rectangular Patterns Circular Pattern An other example of a smart modification catis The surface design specification can be also displayed in various modes, such as the Windows Explorer tree style or CATIA V4 ‘V’ shaped tree style, displaying all dependencies between features. When design changes are required, the user can control the propagation of modifications. CATIA Generative Shape Design – beginner tutorialĬreating Revolution Volumes Multi-sections Volume The FreeStyle capability is improved with the addition of wireframe function. As an introduction, the module CATIA Generative Shape Design is used very frequently by CATIA engineers, I personally use this module in.
You will find how to use most used commands. A video tutorial about how to create a simple surface in Generative Shape Design in CATIA V5. Entering the Generative Shape Design Workbench Setting Small Scale in CATIA V5 Session Optimal CATIA PLM Usability for Generative Shape Design.